Polished.com Class Action Lawsuit POL | Deadline December 30, 2022
Announcement! Investors who bought Polished.com Inc., also known as 1847 Goedeker Inc. (POL), have filed a POL class action lawsuit (Polished.com class action lawsuit) On behalf of those who bought or otherwise acquired publicly traded Polish securities, this case has been filed:
(1) as a result of, traceable to, or in accordance with the registration statement and related prospectus released in connection with the Company’s 2020 initial public offering; or
(2) between July 27, 2020, and, inclusively, August 25, 2022.
Contact us right away for additional information regarding the POL Lawsuit.
The Polished lawsuit alleges that the defendants made false and/or deceptive claims throughout the Class Period and/or omitted to disclose that:
(1) The company would restate some financial information;
(2) Internal controls at the Company were insufficient;
(3) The Company hid and minimized its internal control problems;
(4) the Company would conduct an impartial investigation as a result;
(5) The Company would hire independent counsel and advisors as a result of the probe, among other measures, and would postpone its quarterly disclosures in violation of NYSE listing rules;
(6) The CEO and CFO of the Company would quit the Company when the investigation began; and
(7) Therefore, at all material times, the defendants’ public claims were materially false and/or misleading.
You have until December 30, 2022, if you experienced a loss in Polished, to petition the court to identify you as the lead plaintiff. You are not required to act as the lead plaintiff in order to take part in any recovery.
Polished.com Class Action Lawsuit (POL Lawsuit)
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Polished.com Class Action,
Polished.com Lawsuit,
Polished.com Stock,
Polished.com Securities Lawsuit,
POL Class Action Lawsuit,
POL Class Action,
POL Lawsuit,
POL stock