Enviva Class Action Lawsuit EVA | Deadline January 3, 2023

Investors who bought Enviva Inc. (EVA) stocks between February 21, 2019, and October 11, 2022, have a claim in the EVA class action lawsuit (Enviva Securities Lawsuit).

For more on the EVA Lawsuit please contact us today.

According to the Enviva lawsuit, throughout the Class Period defendants made false and/or misleading statements and/or failed to disclose that:

(i) Enviva had lied about the environmental friendliness of their wood pellet manufacturing and sourcing;

(ii) Enviva had also exaggerated the genuine measure of cash flow produced by the platform of the company;

(iii) Consequently, Enviva had misrepresented its business strategy and the Company’s capacity to grow at the rate that the defendants had promised investors; and

(iv) Therefore, at all material times, the Company’s public statements were materially false and misleading.

If you suffered a loss in Enviva you have until January 3, 2023, to request that the Court appoint you as lead plaintiff. Your ability to share in any recovery doesn’t require that you serve as a lead plaintiff.

Enviva Class Action Lawsuit (EVA Lawsuit)

Do you own other shares?

Other Class Action Cases have deadlines ending soon. Here is the most up-to-date list.

Enviva Class Action Lawsuit,
Enviva Class Action,
Enviva Lawsuit,
EVA Class Action Lawsuit,
EVA Class Action,
EVA Lawsuit,
EVA stock